Alzheimer's Disease Drug Development Pipeline
A Clinical Trial Observatory for Alzheimer's Disease
Clinical Trial Observatory:
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Funded by a National Institute on Aging Leadership Award
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Our database is updated daily as clinical trials are registered by sponsors on All clinical trials for Alzheimer's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease Related Dementias (AD/ADRD) are further categorized and annotated for more than 20 data fields.
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“Drug development is an exciting enterprise that is constantly integrating new information regarding disease biology, pharmacology, clinical trial design, clinical outcomes, and biomarkers to assess emerging candidate therapies. The Clinical Trial Observatory captures these dynamic changes providing information to assess their utility in accelerating trials and improving the efficiency of drug development.”
Top 10 FAQs
What is a clinical trial?
A clinical trial is a research study that includes human volunteers with or at risk for a disease to see whether new treatments are safe and effective. These trials are important for finding better ways to prevent or treat diseases. In these studies, researchers give the treatment to a group of people and compare the results to a group of people who did not receive the treatment. This helps scientists figure out if the new approach is beneficial and safe.
Why should I participate in a clinical trial?
There are many advantages to taking part in a clinical trial. Participating in these studies gives you the opportunity to receive personalized care by a team of experts. You may also gain access to advanced testing and unique treatments not yet available on the market. Participating in a clinical trial helps benefit society by helping scientists create new treatments for you and future generations.
Different individuals may have various responses to treatment, making it important to include diverse participants. Clinical trials aim to enroll people of different genders, race, ethnicity, geographic location, and life experiences to ensure the outcomes benefit everyone.
Why are sugar pills (placebos) required in clinical trials?
In clinical trials, some participants receive the medication being assessed and others receive a placebo (sugar pill). Comparing the effects of treatment to those not receiving treatment helps researchers understand if the treatment is safe and effective. Many trials have a period of guaranteed treatment after the initial period of treatment/no treatment comparison. Trials are the only way to have the opportunity for treatment with a new therapy that is being tested. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires a treatment/no treatment comparison before a new drug can be approved and made widely available to patients.
Are there any costs for me associated with clinical trials?
No, there are no cost to participating in a clinical trial. Clinical trials are funded by the organization testing the treatment. Some studies will pay you for your participation and cover costs associated with advanced testing that may not be available in your standard care. Travel expenses for visits may also be paid. Information on what will be offered to you for your participation will be included in the trial information.
How do I find a clinical trial?
To find in a clinical trial, you can ask your doctor to help find one that is a good fit for you. Your physician may be able to connect you to the team managing the study. You can also find Alzheimer's clinical trials at TrialMatch and
What happens in a clinical trial?
As a participant in a clinical trial, the first step is to consent to the treatment based on information provided, so you understand the process and your treatment. Any questions you have will be answered. You will be asked to undergo tests, such as memory examinations, brain scans, and blood sample collection. Most studies have an initial visit followed by a visit where some patients are assigned to treatment, and some are not. Then visits occur every three months (some trials have more frequent visits and some less frequent visits) to determine if the treatment group is doing better compared to the group no receiving treatment. You can stop participating in a clinical trial at any time.
How long are clinical trials?
Most clinical trials are 12 to 18 months in duration. A few clinical trials are as short as three to six months.
How do I know if I or someone I am caring for qualifies for a clinical trial?
Researchers taking a history and to do examinations to determine if a person will be able to take part in the clinical trial. Important factors for participation include age, gender, medical history, health condition, severity of the disease, medications, and family history of dementia. Your ability to participate in a trial is determined by the team managing the trial.
Are there any risks associated with clinical trials?
Throughout a clinical trial, health and safety are priorities and the trial can be stopped if serious side effects are observed. Clinical trials are testing drugs that are not yet approved and may have unknown side effects. The risks associated with a clinical trial will be discussed with individuals considering being in a trial before the trial begins.
Can I quit a clinical trial after I have entered the trial?
Yes, participation in a clinical trial is completely voluntary. You can quit the study at any time. If you choose to withdraw, it is important to talk to your doctor and research team to stop safely.